Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Albums in My Life Announcement

After another almost year long absence from writing, I am once again trying to return to the fold. I'm pretty much going to be abandoning new music reviews as I write and process music much too slowly to keep up with the constant stream of new material. Instead, I have decided to take this in a more personal direction. In addition to my year end lists, I'm playing around with some concepts for other lists, in depth analyses, and ventures into other topics.

My first foray back into the music blogging world will be an attempt to list some of my favorite albums that have come out in my lifetime. So for each year I have been alive, I'll be sharing my top 5 albums of that year, and attempting to get these out once a week (but given my upload schedule, that seems rather ambitious). These albums will be a mixture of current favorites, formative childhood albums and possibly records I have written about previously, though with more time with albums, my opinions often change, so don't think my top 50 albums post or my previous year ends will remain intact.

I hope doing something a little more personal will make writing a little easier, and will help me break out of this long hiatus and perhaps give me the emotional boost I've been needing.  It may even start a conversation, who knows.

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